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Optimize the industrial structure, innovation and development model

Date: 2017-10-28
Clcik: 145

At present, the market development of the market to become a trend to speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional economic growth model has become an inevitable choice to maintain high economic growth model, in this situation, China's motor industry needs to develop and market development fit new Development model to meet the effective needs of the market.

Shenzhen Sinbad Motor Co., Ltd. is a motor design, motor production company, as committed to the purpose of the rise of China's motor industry,

As a pioneer of China's emerging industry of the motor industry, Sinbad motor Electric will assess the development of China's economy from the needs and market demand, and actively adjust the site network service model, and strive to great characteristics of the era of innovative modules, and strive to develop China's motor Industry bright development path.

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