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News News
The customer visited the Sinbad product exhibition room, the Coreless motor production workshop, the Coreless coil winding automatic machine, and watched the automatic mechanical operation of the Coreless winding and the on-site operation of the Coreless motor. The customer expressed the height of the product performance. Accreditation; then in-depth discussions with the relevant department heads, a detailed understanding of Sinbad motor's corporate strength, product features, technical advantages, etc. Sinbad's advanced technology, convenient operation, e...
Time: 2018 - 09 - 18
On September 8, 2018, Italian customers came to Sinbad Motor Company for inspection and exchange. Hou Qisheng, chairman of Sinbad Motor Co., Ltd., Feng Wanjun, deputy general manager, and Lu Jun, the manager of Haiwai, warmly welcomed the guests at the company headquarters.All employees of Sinbad Motor Company expressed warm welcome to the Italian customers. They briefly introduced the development of the group company, the industrial structure and the strategy of going global. They conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges with customers on the application field of the hollow cup motor mark...
Time: 2018 - 09 - 08
Sinbad company's July full attendance lottery meetingManagement is more standardized and more disciplined, and it is necessary to prohibit the order.Winning members and shareholders collectively take photos
Time: 2018 - 09 - 03
7月19日,深圳市鑫宝达电机有限公司2018年销售年中会议在华南城办公楼召开。分别有内贸、外贸两大部门销售员全体参加,汇报了2018上半年的业绩并做出下半年业绩规划。在董事长侯奇生先生的带领下,内贸副总冯万均、外贸经理鲁军分别做了业绩汇报,为2018上半年的工作做出了详细的总结,也为下半年的全新企划作出了部署。In July 19th, Shenzhen Sinbad Motor Co., Ltd. held Mid Year Sales Conference in Southern China City office building. All sales from domestic trade and foreign trade department participated in this meeting, reporting the performance in the first half of 2018 and making the performance plan for the second half of this year. Under the leadership of Mr. Qisheng Hou, vice president Mr. Wanjun Feng and the foreign tr...
Time: 2018 - 07 - 21
7月21日下午,深圳市鑫宝达电机在工厂会议室召开“安全教育”培训,公司安全负责人侯荣生、车间生产负责人冯万平、人事行政经理黄丽和车间全体员工。In the afternoon of 21st July, Shenzhen Sinbad Motor held the training "safety education" in the conference room of the factory, Mr Rongsheng Hou(Security officer), Mr.Wanping Feng(Head of workshop production),Ms.Huang Li (administration manager), and all the staff of the factory.黄丽经理讲解《安全教育培训》过程中,特别强调了车间生产注意事项,并采用了行为、理论的知识结合,让整个培训更加生趣动人,显得通俗易懂。During the explaining "safety training", Huang Li manager emphasized the attention of the workshop production, and used the knowledg...
Time: 2018 - 07 - 21
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