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On January 31,Shenzhen Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd ceremoniously held the 2015 Spring Festival Gala. All staffs gathered together and celebrated the festival.After the annual party opening,chairman Mr.Hou Qisheng deeply summarized development process and the accumulated experience of Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd since established in 2011.He also showed the results of these years and looked ahead at developing emphasis and direction in 2016.Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd always be the way of innovation.Every fascinating turning has obtained achievements in large numbers through successfully practice.Sinbad Motor Co.,L...
Time: 2016 - 01 - 31
This novel rotor structure completely eliminates the loss of electrical energy due to eddy currents in the core and at the same time greatly reduces its weight and moment of inertia, thus reducing the mechanical energy loss of the rotor itself. Due to the structural changes of the rotor motor performance has been greatly improved, not only with outstanding energy-saving features, more importantly, with the iron core motor control and drag characteristics can not be achieved.Coreless motor are:1, energy-saving features: high energy conversion efficiency, the maximum efficiency is generally abov...
Time: 2017 - 11 - 03
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